Enhance your Mission with Adapters and Peripherals
When you need add-ons to your existing tactical equipment, Bren-tronics has you covered
- BTA-70100-152_163 ABC Adapter Quad PRC-152/163
- BTP-70791-AC1 XX90 115V AC and USB Cap
- Featured Product BTP-70810-USB3 PRC-148, PRC-152 USB Charger w/SOC, 3.4A
- BTK-70791-AC2 BB-2590/U 120V AC Inverter and Battery Charger Kit
- Featured Product BTA-70100-148 ABC Adapter Quad PRC-148
- BTA-70100-910 ABC Adapter Quad CWB
- BTP-70791-AC3 XX90 230V AC and USB Cap w/Charger Port
- BTA-70838-6A SMP Adapter for 1/3 SMP Batteries
- BTA-70791A-C 6-Pack Output Connector, OEM
- BTA-70864-5 6 Pack Input Cable, AC w/Euro Plug
- BTA-70100-2 ABC Adapter 148/152/163, AA, D
- BTC-70791-1 Wall Plug Charger (x90 Cap)